Sometimes i think the world is really small.
Loads of countries, so many people around and that place u believe being big, is not big enough anymore.
I went to dublin for few days and stayed at my friend's house. I went to the town for walking around and met another friend. So we went to meet my mate which was hosting me and for miracle they knew each other.
I thought funny and thought........jesus, dublin is smaller than i could imagine.
Its sounded like a joke, but no , its the real life.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I've just waken up. Its 3:21pm here. Im still feeling asleep. I didnt want to write anything. I lost my time in the optician, i need to go out to get my wages, im looking through the window and trying to smile to the sunshine.
My mind is lazy, my body is tired and im feeling like a zombie
Im bored but i dont know why
My mind is lazy, my body is tired and im feeling like a zombie
Im bored but i dont know why
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We know everybody loves SEX, dont it? I'd say yes, at least most of the people.
I remember 3some always was my dream in that subject. Now ask me .........Have u ever had 3some before? And i tell you.......I haven't.
Few months ago i was on my break in my job( i work in a nightclub) and i was enjoying a cigarette and a pint of red lemonade when suddenly a couple in their 20's came to me. I confess, both of them were really interesting, a red hair girl and her tattooed and blonde boyfriend.
They were polite.......came to me and we introduced ourselves to each other. They are not from here and they were in a hotel. They said i was interesting and high of the alcoohol they were being dirty in our conversation. I started laughing but in few minutes i could see they were talking seriously. Ok, i decided to play their game and said some stuffs as well. When i saw we were in our particular world of luxury, desire and madness. The girl touched me and the guy said i wanna go to bed with you. At that stage i was completely involved in the whole situation and they made their proposal. Do u wanna go to our hotel after your work?
I had no reaction and laughed, so they said, think about and text us......thats our phone number. I couldnt believe that. I was going to realize my biggest dream, wow, a sweet and spiced girl and a fucking hot guy with me. I got really confused and lighted another cigarette.
So, i closed my eyes and thought hundred times about the crazy but interesting proposal. I was single and so had no commitment to care about.
I got the number and stayed few minutes dreaming about the 3some.
I came back to my work.......had one more hour to think about and decide what to do.
When i finish, i got my backpack, my cigarettes and the couple's number. I sent them a message. And what did i write? Simple, hey here is the guy from the nightclub. Im so horny but maybe is better we forget that. Yes, i got shy and ashamed and OH MY GOD, im not like that, never. But that day i was. I think i was afraid of not doing well(haha) or so i thought that's 2 much for me.
I remember what my ex bf said once.......U SOUND NUTS BUT UR SO ROMANTIC, i cant imagine u having some crazy sex and he was younger than me and had a good background for his 23 years old.
Maybe he was so caring and sweet, im so Charlotte from SAC, i complain about guys like Carrie, watch some series and fall in love with some character like Miranda but id love to be dirty like Samantha

Why is so hard to say or write something when you dont get inspiration?
Sometimes we wanna say everything but on lazy days our mind seems empty.
Its so funny......i love writing and show people what i think or even what i feel about some subject or situation. I dont feel i need to do that but i get bored if i dont do that.
Im addicted in words and they make me travel around the world.
I've read some blogs lately and sometimes i feel jealous of some bloggers. That are so many talented people around and they know how to use the words brilliantly. I feel like if i was a baby giving its first steps.
I observe people around me all the time. Thats so cool in my people and their behaviour. Cause of that i went to study drama and on the stage u can even observe yourself.
When you're playing a role, u need to give life to your character and it has to comunicate with other people. So your mind starts working twice, for you and for it.
I know we need references to keep our brain working but all sort of things are good for that, the good and the bad experiences.
Thinking like that, maybe i shouldn't care about my "CREATIVE IDLENESS" sometimes, cause from the moment you put your pen on the paper or even type some on the screen the words get life.
So, from now i won't mind how i write or what i write just writing and that's it. I just need to keep my brain fed , my eyes opened and my mind free and maybe everything will be ok.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

But what is exactly HAPPINESS?
Have a house? Car? Family? Kids? Money? Health? Fame? Glamour? Success? Power? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Wife? Husband? Job?
Another day i was thinking about that and i believe happiness means mainly be good with yourself and so ul be ready to fight for what u want.
Im feeling really happy lately cause too many things and people have made me smile completely,and no, im not rich but at the same time my family, my friends, my work mates and their caring, hugs and honest kindness are making me feel the happiest guy in the world and im sure there's no money can be more important than that.
And u, are u happy?

The movie of the year "SEX AND THE CITY" has been screened in Ireland since 28th May and i cant believe it didnt come to clonmel yet. What's wrong with Omniplex? There are loads of blockbusters beeing screened there and they forgot the girls.
I always was a big fun of the series on tv and i was delighted with the news about the movie.
How can i do to see my dirty and delicious Samantha , the funny ginger Miranda, the dreamer and sweet Charlotte and the shopaholic and lovely Carrie?
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What could i say about Sofia Coppola?
Well, shes one of the little darlings in hollywoody but she can.
Her surname is really well-known and she built her career with power and sweetness. Shes appeared in her father's movies, some videoclips like Deeper and Deeper(Madonna) and Elektrobank(Chemical Brothers) and is a great director as well.
I remember when i saw her second movie THE VIRGIN SUICIDES and simply fell in love with her. Shes so cool, shes so indie and has a great sight to do her job.
Lost in Translation is like a punch in our stomach and Marie Antoinette is delicious. I cant stop listening " I WANT CANDY", by Bow Wow Wow, one of the songs of the Marie Antoinette's soundtrack.
I want my cd.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Ok, u can think and say thats one more american blockbuster and it is, haha.Well, im not a big fan of american blockbusters, but for some reason i liked this movie.For those who like action and special effects, is a great entertainment and for those who like technique is a great movie class in my opinion.The movie tells the story of an anti-hero,a simple guy who hates his job, his boss, he thinks his life is a shit and everybody calls him pussy. His girfriend cheats on him with his best friend and he takes pills to keep his control, cause hes always stressed. So he's chosen to be a big assassin of a secret society and after that his life changes completely.I guess people who liked Matrix and Fight Club will love WANTED, cause the sequences are amazing, ull see people hitting each other all the time and i can say more, Angelina Jolie is great in her role and the photography of the film is incredible.
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